Cosa significa dire che l'intelligenza artificiale deve essere etica e responsabile? E chi deve occuparsi di valutarlo? Esiste un terreno comune fra le visioni europee, americane e cinesi o si andrà ...
Carola Frediani
co-founder GuerrediRete.itUsa, Cina e Ue stanno ormai confrontandosi a tutto campo sull'intelligenza artificiale: da un lato c'è l'esigenza di innovare, dall'altra quella di regolamentare. E proprio questi due elementi potreb...
Comunicazioni satellitari, droni, attacchi informatici, propaganda: i volti della cyberwarfare durante i conflitti. Come sta evolvendo la cyber guerriglia in scenari di conflitto e come proteggere i p...
A oltre un anno dall'invasione su larga scala dell'Ucraina, la risposta di Kyiv sul fronte della cyberguerra appare come uno degli elementi più rilevanti. Secondo un report dell'Aspen Institute, l...
Che ruolo avrà l’AI nell’informazione e nella creator economy nei prossimi anni? La diffusione di soluzioni come Chat GPT, per creare testi ricchi e complessi in pochi secondi, o Dall-E, per crea...
Data journalism, dialogue with readers and anonymity of sources: the tools of news
Negli anni l’innovazione di tecnologia e metodi nel mondo giornalistico ha permesso di fare importanti passi avanti al servizio del lettore. Ma facilmente le iniziative più intraprendenti finiscono...
Weapons of mass surveillance: investigating the business of control technologies
Racconteremo, attraverso inchieste giornalistiche e report di recente pubblicazione, il fiorente mercato delle tecnologie per la sorveglianza di massa. Verranno presi in esame due “casi studio”: i...
Le teorie del complotto hanno accompagnato la pandemia di Covid-19 fin dall’inizio. Influencer cospirazionisti vecchi e nuovi hanno assunto una visibilità senza precedenti. Le piazze di molte citt...
A journey to discover our future. And the future is happening in China; artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, green technologies, smart cities, facial recognition. Who designs our world of t...
Open source investigation has proven to be a powerful new approach for investigative reporting and human rights documentation. In this session, leading open source investigators will discuss the ethic...
Entro il 2030 la Cina punta a diventare leader mondiale nell'Intelligenza artificiale, scalzando il primato tecnologico americano. Tra software, applicazioni e controllo sociale la vera sfida tra le d...
WikiLeaks was born with a very journalistic ideal in mind: bring transparency to the most untransparent organizations in the world. For years, it did just that. And its hacker founder Julian Assange n...
Populist parties and movements seem to be gaining ground in Europe and in Western democracies in general. The causes are many: historical, social, cultural and political. In this ascent, a significant...
Attacks, drugs, terrorism, spies: myths, realities and conflicts of cyber journalism
What is spyware? Why does any information technology incident become a cyberattack for the media? When a politician invokes the end of anonymity on social networks, what exactly is he talking about? ...
In June 2016, the storm of hacked emails, released by WikiLeaks, hit the US elections. The diffusion and the suspicion that the Democratic National Committee - the governing body of the Democratic Par...
After the Snowden revelations, massive encryption of internet communications started to take-off, reducing the investigative power of law enforcement and security agencies that, in turn, increased the...
Two Italians referred to as the “Occhionero brothers” have been arrested and accused of using malware, codenamed "EyePyramid", and a carefully-prepared spear-phishing scheme to spy on high-profile...
A new era of information warfare: the DNC, the Podesta mails, Sony Pictures, etc. State-sponsored hacking and leaking and what it means for journalism. "Strategic leaking“ by states and intelligenc...
Does journalism inform or explain itself on social media? Do companies communicate or make news? Journalists and communicators use the same tools and the same techniques on the same platforms. Wha...
Encryption, trojans, backdoor: cyber-security has become mainstream news. What’s at stake? Why is cyber-war such a hot topic? And how is it that abstruse technological issues have become items on ...
Stories of computer attacks against journalists and activists. From the use of spyware to the mysterious attempts to force social profiles (as recently denounced by Twitter), journalists, researcher...
Journalism in the post-web era: what we have lost, what we have gained and what it is becoming
#ijf16talk by Hossein Derakhshan. Moderated by Carola Frediani.
Modern technology and digital communication play an enormous role in our daily lives. State infrastructure, the private sector, and the general public increasingly rely on information technology t...
A debate inspired by an article by BBC reporter Dave Lee, where he questions how to report when there are cyber attacks. Listed below there are some points to highlight the main themes analyzed. "Cyb...
The history and the impact of the scoop that earned the Pulitzer Prize for The Guardian and The Washington Post for "public service" rendered to the world. What in Italy is known as Datagate is not me...
From Turkey to Great Britain, attempts to control the network are on the rise, as highlighted by the 2013 Freedom of the Net report. However, the ability of activists and users to oppose these measure...
With the emergence of a widespread surveillance system in the NSA files, the Edward Snowden case has deeply affected journalism, both in terms of the role played by the media and of the practices adop...
Journalists and communications professionals use the same tools and share the same skills; the ability to communicate on social networks, producing content, knowing how to manage the digital, having...
How is cyberactivism evolving, from Anonymous to other groups that use the Internet to defend freedom of expression and the free circulation of information? What is the role of leaking in this scena...
Little media on the rise Italy is experiencing a boom of media agencies, cooperatives and journalistic ventures of many different stripes. Small, nimble and new-media-centric, do they represent the...