In an increasingly hostile media landscape, it is essential for journalists to have the tools, training, and support needed to stay safe. This session will explore innovative strategies and solutions ...
Cecilia Anesi
co-founder IRPIThe fundraising limbo: why are there no grants in the South of Europe?
SLAPPs continue to be a major challenge for newsrooms pursuing investigative journalism, particularly smaller, independent newsrooms with limited resources. SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuits Against...
Climate crisis: the risks in investigating the responsibility of the fossil fuel industry
Querele temerarie, intimidazioni, censura, difficoltà nel trovare spazio mediatico. Attivisti e giornalisti, quando trattano un tema sensibile e attuale come la 'crisi climatica', sono spesso accomun...
Two to tango: a closer look at the relationship between independent investigative teams and legacy media
In the past years more and more independent investigative teams are forming across Europe focussing on in-depth (often cross-border) investigations outside of the dynamics and hierarchies of legacy ne...
Data journalism, dialogue with readers and anonymity of sources: the tools of news
Negli anni l’innovazione di tecnologia e metodi nel mondo giornalistico ha permesso di fare importanti passi avanti al servizio del lettore. Ma facilmente le iniziative più intraprendenti finiscono...
Suisse Secrets: how lifting the veil of banking secrecy uncovered a threat to press freedom in one of the oldest democracies. In February 2022, a team of more than 160 journalists from 48 media outle...
A deadly mix of corruption, state capture and organised crime has killed journalists Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta, Jan Kuciak in Slovakia and Javier Ortega and Paul Rivas in Colombia. Three differe...
Journalists under fire: protecting journalists reporting on corruption in Europe
Over the past 18 months, the murders of journalists in EU Member States have underscored just how dangerous a time it is for investigative journalists in Europe. Daphne Caruana Galizia, Jan Kuciak and...
The new tactics used by criminals to stop independent investigative journalism, and how we can react by working in a team. From the recent murders of two journalists in Europe, to the isolation and ja...
How big is the presence of Cosa Nostra and Stidda 'Ndrangheta in Germany? And how important is Germany for the business of the Italian mafias? An update from the latest investigations of Grandango...
Italian organised crime is a global problem, yet all syndicates maintain strongholds in their local area. Three newsrooms - Grandangolo in Agrigento (Sicily), Il Dispaccio in Reggio Calabria, CORRE...
It is estimated that each year up to 2,000 billion dollars are recycled, much of it through companies that allow the identity of the beneficiaries of the money to be kept secret. Tracking financia...
The hidden fleet: investigation on the smuggling of weapons and refugees across the Med
In its investigation entitled The Hidden Fleet (Deecember 2015), the CORRECT!V team uncovered a network of Syrian traffickers who smuggle migrants, hashish and weapons around the Mediterranean Sea u...
How IRPI conducted an international investigation working with 15 victims of sexual violence after the story was leaked to reporters. The story, nicknamed "the couchsurfing rapist" was published in ...
Italian organised crime is a global problem, yet all syndicates maintain strongholds in their local area. Three newsrooms - Grandangolo in Agrigento (Sicily), Il Dispaccio in Reggio Calabria, Correc...
Transnational investigative journalism: 3 examples Three investigations, the IRPI-Correctiv-El Confidencial-Tages Anzeiger joint work The Wolves of Europe which uncovered a fraud of fake bonds perp...
A joint investigation by the journalism centers IRPI in Italy and ANCIR in South Africa together with looking at how Italian mafias have permeated Africa's economies. From money l...
How can crime be investigated cross-border by investigative reporters? OCCRP and IRPI provide some practical examples. Organised in association with IRPI - Investigative Reporting Project Italy
Offshoreleaks is an ICIJ-produced story that unveiled a financial scandal, unmasking details of 130,000 offshore accounts in April 2013. Its follow-up Chinaleaks is an exposé of the Chinese elite's ...
To what extent has the Sicilian mafia infiltrated the German economy? An ambitious project, possibly the first extensive German research into the matter, has with an innovative format unveiled how Ger...
TACOD Project Promoting Open Data as a Tool to Prevent and Detect Corruption The TACOD project seeks to measure the impact of laws and policies about open data on corruption. In this project we cons...
Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI) is a new centre of investigative journalism based in Italy. It was set up along the lines of the best centres of investigative journalism worldwide. It h...
Environmental investigative journalism: from waste trafficking to food frauds
Investigative journalism case studies - a set of four events (one per day from Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 April) Environmental crime and how to investigate it; the tools to follow pollution, corru...
Transnational investigative journalism The panel will show how cross-border investigations done by international teams of journalists can expose corruption and crime. Three examples have been chosen....