Fabio Chiusi

journalist and author

Fabio Chiusi is a journalist, researcher, and adjunct professor at the University of San Marino, specializing in politics, culture, and technology. He works for the non-profit organization AlgorithmWatch, based in Berlin, where he has directed the projects "Automating Society 2020" and "Tracing The Tracers."

As a Fellow of the Nexa Center on Internet & Society in Turin, he has served as an Assistant Researcher for the 'Journalism AI' project at the Polis think tank of the London School of Economics in collaboration with the Google News Initiative. In the past, he has worked as a consultant and researcher on online disinformation, regulation of digital political campaigns, and digital rights. He was the digital policy manager for the Questore of the Chamber of Deputies during the XVIII legislature.

As a journalist, he has written for major Italian publications and currently contributes to the collective blog Valigia Blu.

He is the author of essays on digital democracy and the social consequences of innovation. Some of his notable works include "Critica della democrazia digitale. La politica 2.0 alla prova dei fatti" (Codice Edizioni, 2014) and "Io non sono qui. Visioni e inquietudini da un futuro presente. Black Mirror" (De Agostini, 2018).

On February 14, 2023, he published his latest book, "L'uomo che vuole risolvere il futuro. Critica ideologica di Elon Musk" (Bollati Boringhieri editore).

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