Enrico Pedemonte e Fabio Chiusi analizzano l'impatto socio-culturale e politico delle piattaforme digitali, soffermandosi sull'intelligenza artificiale. Seguendo il percorso tracciato nel libro di Ped...
Fabio Chiusi
journalist and authorUsa, Cina e Ue stanno ormai confrontandosi a tutto campo sull'intelligenza artificiale: da un lato c'è l'esigenza di innovare, dall'altra quella di regolamentare. E proprio questi due elementi potreb...
Ieri Mark Zuckerberg, oggi Elon Musk: i guru dei colossi tecnologici che animano il nostro mondo sono comunemente considerati visionari, capaci di re-immaginare non solo la tecnologia, ma anche il mod...
The web belongs to everyone: thoughts on our digital present and digital future
Il governo della Rete e delle tecnologie che sempre più accompagnano e definiscono le nostre vite quotidiane sta rapidamente mutando. Il tempo di una discussione davvero democratica e partecipata sui...
In our automated, digitised and (allegedly) smart society, technology reporting is increasingly crucial. And yet it is not easy to stand up to the power (and influence) of Big Tech on the one hand and...
Entro il 2030 la Cina punta a diventare leader mondiale nell'Intelligenza artificiale, scalzando il primato tecnologico americano. Tra software, applicazioni e controllo sociale la vera sfida tra le d...
In conversation with Paul Nemitz. Moderated by Fabio Chiusi. The session will consider some of the issues arising from the October 2018 article Constitutional democracy and technology in the age of...
Moscow has been honing an information age art of war - through fake news, disinformation, leaks, and trolling - for more than a decade. How can free societies protect themselves? The panel will take ...
Julia Angwin runs an award-winning team that has pioneered a new field of algorithmic accountability journalism. Working with two programmers and a researcher, her team has unveiled the hidden discrim...
In conversation with Nathan Jurgenson. Moderated by Fabio Chiusi. The argument against "normalizing" political figures like Trump risks missing how normal politics-as-entertainment is and how normal...
Protecting data and sources in the era of cyber attacks: digital tools available to journalism
The session will present various digital tools and strategies for managing the protection of data and sources both in the field of war journalism and of investigative journalism, in a historical cont...
Are automation, robotics engineering and artificial intelligence a threat to workers' rights? Or do these developments show that a post-capitalist and post-work society is on the horizon, one in whi...
Big data, when combined with certain algorithms, can be lethal. It makes citizens naked to states and corporations, prone to manipulation and abuse. Is it possible to resist their tyranny and expand f...
Are nine reasons sufficient to love ancient Greek? According to Andrea Marcolongo, author of La lingua genial (Laterza, 2016), it is. An act of love for a language that, according to common sense, ma...
In conversation with Evgeny Morozov, whose latest book Silicon Valley: i signori del silicio was published in Italy by Codice Edizioni in January 2016.
The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries
A discussion with the authors of the 2015 book entitled The Red Web: the struggle between Russia’s digital dictators and the new online revolutionaries. For more information on the book, please s...
In conversation with Justin Peters, author of the book The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet. Interviewed by Fabio Chiusi. For more information on Justin's book se...
Propaganda reloaded? Dangerous liaisons between politics and news in the social media age
The growing online presence of politicians and their habit of commenting on blogs and social media, combined with disproportionate attention from the media for such environments, has resulted in dan...
For several months the Islamic State, or ISIS, has been threatening the world with its violence and its plans of conquest. After seizing large areas of Syria and Iraq, and declaring, last June, the ...
In June 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden met with journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen Macaskill and film-maker Laura Poitras in Hong Kong. The whistleblower gave them documents which proved t...
A post-aperitivo, pre-dinner romp from the kindly fridge that not only knows you're running out of milk but can also do something about it to Utopian conceit to you (and your data) becoming the hot ne...
The history and the impact of the scoop that earned the Pulitzer Prize for The Guardian and The Washington Post for "public service" rendered to the world. What in Italy is known as Datagate is not me...
Remember the 2008 financial crash? One among many subsequent questions was why almost nobody in the media saw it coming. Fast forward to the March 2013 Italian general elections. Almost nobody in th...
In Digital Vertigo, Andrew Keen sliced and diced the teddy-bear view of the effect on society of social media. This book has just been translated into Italian by the Egea publishing house, with the ...
Dictators and oppressive regimes the planet over buy billions of dollars worth of digital surveillance technology from Western companies every year. Which results in direct violation of the human ri...
Techniques of dissidence and digital repression The fight for online freedom of expression is conducted using the same weapons that authoritarian regimes employ in trying to suppress it. A fight in...
The new civic journalism How can new technologies be used to provide public interest journalism? Is WikiLeaks and social media the way to hold power to account through the internet? Heather Brooke, t...