Governi e aziende stanno sviluppando sistemi d'arma con crescente autonomia e utilizzando nuove tecnologie come l'Intelligenza Artificiale per scopi bellici. I cosiddetti "robot assassini" e altri sis...
Davide Del Monte
founder and president info.nodesWeapons of mass surveillance: investigating the business of control technologies
Racconteremo, attraverso inchieste giornalistiche e report di recente pubblicazione, il fiorente mercato delle tecnologie per la sorveglianza di massa. Verranno presi in esame due “casi studio”: i...
It is estimated that each year up to 2,000 billion dollars are recycled, much of it through companies that allow the identity of the beneficiaries of the money to be kept secret. Tracking financia...
In 2013 the Snowden revelations showed how digital communication can’t be considered safe by journalists dealing with whistleblowers and sources and underlined the need for better and stronger too...
TACOD Project Promoting Open Data as a Tool to Prevent and Detect Corruption The TACOD project seeks to measure the impact of laws and policies about open data on corruption. In this project we cons...