La vita troppo breve dell’hacker Aaron Swartz – morto suicida l’11 gennaio del 2013 – ha tantissimi aspetti incredibili. Piccolo genio dell’informatica cresciuto in un sobborgo di Chicago, i...
Giovanni Ziccardi
University of MilanThe geopolitics of information is proving to be complex and evolving. New trends, including new forms of digital conflict or new digital regulations, can significantly change the infosphere we know. I...
Politics and propaganda on the platforms between profiling, information warfare and illegal behavior
Description to come.
I temi dell’hacking, della guerra dell’informazione, dei crimini informatici, dei droni, dei sensori e, in generale, delle tecnologie hanno sempre avuto un fascino oscuro anche per gli scrittori d...
“Piccola città, bastardo posto”: l’odio istituzionale online in piccoli contesti di provincia e la sua corretta gestione I social network hanno azzerato le distanze tra i cittadini e le istitu...
Il data breach, ossia la “fuga” di dati da un archivio o un database a seguito di un’azione criminale o di un incidente, è la minaccia più temuta nell’era delle grandi piattaforme. L’utent...
L’odio politico vanta una lunga tradizione, ben precedente alla diffusione dei social network, delle grandi piattaforme e dell’avvento delle forme di comunicazione e di propaganda online. In quest...
If Internet, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and social networks in general have completely transformed our lives, our relationships and the way we communicate, why shouldn't they do the same with death, ...
According to Edelman's Trust Barometer, the world of business is "the last retaining wall" to stop the emergence of a post-truth and fake-news world. This is due to the fact that, according to the stu...
Naughty children. Online hate, violence and stalking among children and adolescents and cyberbullying. Understanding of the phenomenon, law, case studies, role of adults and technology. There is an e...
L'odio online: violenza verbale e ossessioni in rete is the latest book of Giovanni Ziccardi. He will be in conversation with Antonio Sofi, with particular focus on the issue of verbal violence onli...
What are the limits of an aggressive discussion on the web? Has there been an "institutionalization" of hatred that has been spread especially by media, politicians and institutions? What are the di...
The death of the secret, the sell-off of privacy, the advent of transparency: some legal and information technology considerations
Technology has significantly impacted three aspects of our society and, in particular, the legal and political world, which are closely related. These are the maintenance of confidentiality of cer...
Privacy for sale: secrets and intimacies in the control society. Presentation of the book Internet, controllo e libertà (2015) by Giovanni Ziccardi.
Antonio Sofi and Giovanni Ziccardi, two unrepentant technological devotees, take a slightly disenchanted and ironic look at what technology is removing from our lives and how it is possible to return ...
> Technological downshifting, double/triple check, new attention to form and writing, and the need to change approach with technology. > Combining the power and speed of the technological era w...
How is cyberactivism evolving, from Anonymous to other groups that use the Internet to defend freedom of expression and the free circulation of information? What is the role of leaking in this scena...
In this workshop we will analyze dozens of titles and articles published in recent years in the national and international press related to events characterized by a strong technological aspect. The...
Online voting is an increasingly discussed issue, searching for a more participatory form of democracy for citizens. Can current platforms provide the same guarantees as the physical vote? In this...
Cybercrime 21st-century computing crime. From hacking as a lark to hacking as organised crime: tales to tell from the digital underground. A brief overview of recent hacking history, including fam...
More anonymity more often, Sir? Tails is a simple way of guaranteeing anonymous web connections able to circumvent censorship. Yet it's nothing more than a CD with a Linux operating system. Using i...
How sensitive you are! - Data is sensitive: learn how to keep it safe and send it safely How much do you know about your webmail, social network accounts and pendrives? How secure are they? Who oth...
Cloud computing - the hows and whys Cloud computing has been the flavour of the month for a while now. The objective of this workshop is to clarify matters in a practical, interactive way. What is ...
Julian Assange: from hacker to Wikileaks Wikileaks came to worldwide prominence on 05 April 2010 when it released the video entitled Collateral Murder of about a dozen Iraqi civilians and two Reute...
Ethical hacking There’s a war on and it won’t be won by who has the most bombs. Ethical hacking in the raw. Workshops are free entry but registration is required. Each workshop will have a l...
Wiretaps and "webtaps" Who can tap what and how? From the near impossibility of ensuring secure phone calls to the ease of ensuring near secure web communications. A romp through security, technolo...
Digital journalism and (new) rights - Defamation, trolling, hate speech and harmful content New technology has resulted in new types of discussion around online news, often not strictly related to ...