Undici anni fa migliaia di persone sono scese in strada per chiedere cambiamento in Egitto. Oggi il Paese vive la più dura dittatura della sua storia: 60mila persone sono in carcere per reati politic...
Marina Petrillo is an author, broadcaster and journalist. She writes mainly about the use of public space and was a senior editor at Open Migration, reporting on migration and refugees. She was part of the Reported.ly team, Andy Carvin's award-winning social journalism project, and she was editor-in-chief at Radio Popolare. For her work on the Arab Spring, especially Egypt and Bahrain, she was named by the British newspaper The Independent one of the most influential non-celebrity Twitter users of 2011 in the world news category. She teaches narrative journalism at Scuola Holden. Her blog is Alaska hub. She is the author of the books I muri di Belfast (1996) about the peace process in Northern Ireland, Nativo Americano (2010) about Bruce Springsteen’s folk voice, and Canto la piazza elettrica (Youcanprint, 2021), a memoir on the protests of Tahrir square.
For months, journalists investigating the effects of injections of Italian and European funds into North Africa to stop migratory flows and externalize border control have reported on the routes that ...
How to reach the electoral center which might be worried about the effects of immigration? A research project tries to provide an answer. On the migratory phenomenon, the populist narrative polarises...
The journey of those crossing the Mediterranean, risking being swallowed by the waves, is characterized by fear, despair, flight from war and persecution, terror for those left behind. And for those w...
Two women, two stories of denied rights, persecution, and the price that authoritarian regimes impose to those who seek truth and fight for freedom of expression. Maryam Al-Khawaja is an activist who...
Covering migration towards Europe offers a variety of possibilities for alternative narrations and new formats. Can re-thinking new strategies, even technological, for reporting migration also have a ...
#ijf16talk by Peter Greste. How governments are using the war on terror to erode the space journalists are able to work in, and what we should be doing about it. Moderated by Marina Petrillo. ...
Turkey ranks in 149th place in the Reporters without Borders World Press Freedom Index, below Zimbabwe and Burma/Myanmar. In its 2014 report, Freedom House demoted Turkish media from being “partly...
"An international team of journalists with literally dozens of years’ worth of combined experience as online community organizers, storytellers and curators. We take pride in being active, engaged...
For some time, press freedom in Turkey has not been enjoying good health. Beyond putting pressure on the press and civil liberties, in March 2014 and once again in April 2015 the Turkish government bl...
For more information on the Brown Moses blog, read Mathew Ingram's article The rise of Brown Moses: how an unemployed British man has become a poster boy for citizen journalism
The Online News Association recently formed a working group of journalists who deal with user-generated content to discuss the ethics and standards of digital and social newsgathering. The first step ...
Long form journalism: how to finance, produce and disseminate in-depth reportages in the digital age
Digital seems to support a culture of news based on increasingly shorter and more abbreviated content, suitable for very short attention spans. But recently reports, surveys and long forms of narrativ...
The ‘indiscrimate plundering’ by Italian media organisations of articles from non-Italian media organisations for re-hash publication. And in stark contrast the seemingly well-rooted and almost ...
Presentation by Steve Buttry, introduction by Marina Petrillo. With the drive for more content, aggregation reigns. But when are you aggregating too fast, too much or too close to the original stor...
Is there still viable space in the media landscape for that emblem of 20th century communication the wireless (also known as the radio)? Some examples of how radio and social media can mesh smoothly...
International politics by crowdsourcing? Shock new international alliance: diplomats and journalists and (global) citizens Planet 2.0 has resulted in diplomats and journalists having to enter into ...
Is news now feminine? Are we living through a sea-change in the very nature of news? Are collective endeavour, exchange, custody of memory, creative contagion and reputation beginning to take the ...