Mark Zuckerberg sent shockwaves through the media world when, abruptly, in the days before Donald Trump's inauguration, he swapped sides in the information war. Meta would no longer appoint fact-check...
Claire Wardle
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)Tools and strategies to help prevent the publishing and spread of disinformation
The surge of disinformation techniques used in the lead-up to the British election have demonstrated that media and their platforms are woefully unprepared for what 2020 may bring. The rising tide of ...
Many newsrooms rely on their editorial guidelines and code of ethics. Report the truth. Get the facts right. Be independent and impartial. Be transparent with your sources. Own up to your mistakes and...
Verification of online content can be intimidating, but it is not difficult. Becoming an expert requires repetition, persistence and using digital investigative tools with a little creativity. Informa...
Five panelists involved in monitoring the EU referendum, the US election, and the upcoming French and German elections will talk about ambitious projects which involve monitoring social media and col...
A field guide to fake news: recipes for investigating misinformation ecosystems online. What is the state of fake news in your country? How can misinformation phenomena be investigated? This session ...
What are best practices for reporters out in the field using live video? What should news organizations think about when handling live video? In this workshop, you will learn best ethical practices f...
#netzwende. Trump is the best that could ever happen to journalism - because it is a wake-up call that has long been overdue. Considering this potential, VOCER takes the opportunity of hosting a panel...
2016 was a year of memes in Western politics, from #CatsAgainstBrexit to Pepe the Frog to #NastyWomen, as meme shells, GIFs and selfies enter the political vernacular. Love them or hate them, internet...
‘Fake news’ and the misinformation ecosystem: how can newsrooms work with social networks to help solve this problem? This panel will explore the current debates about the ‘fake news’ debate,...
Mainstream, online news and social media alike have been replete with images of refugees since last summer. Images of people continuously on the move; marching through the countryside (on their way ...
In the last year, we’ve seen a number of breaking news events where content posted by eyewitnesses to social media has become a story in its own right. Whether that’s the hounding of students ca...
The responsibility of reporting graphic imagery: ideas for protecting yourself and your audience
Sourcing and verifying eyewitness media from the social web is now a standard requirement for many journalists, whether reporting breaking news events or investigating atrocities. In this workshop, ...
The journalism of terror: how do we bear witness when everybody is a witness?
In the new reality of terrorism and propaganda on social media, the value of journalism as a means of separating news from noise has never been more vital. With militant groups using social media as...
We all need to be the first to run social and user-generated content when breaking news happens. That is the nature of a competitive news business. But what about asking for permission, or even wait...
This session will unveil new findings about the use of user generated content by eight online newspapers, including the New York Times and the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and the Sydney Morning Herald...
Collect, verify and analyse data for better conflict and disaster reporting. Today's technology allows us to gather and investigate on the ground reports of conflict and disasters without physically e...
The Online News Association recently formed a working group of journalists who deal with user-generated content to discuss the ethics and standards of digital and social newsgathering. The first step ...
Verification Handbook: a definitive guide to verifying digital content for emergency coverage
The Verification Handbook is a groundbreaking new resource for journalists and aid responders, which provides step-by-step guidelines for using user-generated content (UGC) during emergencies. Publish...
Amateur footage: the increasing reliance on user generated content in news output
News outlets are using more and more footage filmed by eyewitnesses at breaking news events. With the proliferation of mobile phones with high quality cameras and easy access to the social web, citize...
In the age of big data, journalists are confronted with both opportunities and challenges. Particularly in humanitarian crises where people's lives are in danger, we require fast, accurate and respo...
How to use social media to build audiences and create community The majority of news organisations now understand the power of social media for driving audiences to their output and most have twi...