Undici anni fa migliaia di persone sono scese in strada per chiedere cambiamento in Egitto. Oggi il Paese vive la più dura dittatura della sua storia: 60mila persone sono in carcere per reati politic...
Laura Cappon
RAI 3Description to come.
Eight years after the so-called Arab Spring, the Middle East has had to come to terms with even more ferocious dictatorships than of past decades. The case of the assassination of Saudi journalist Jam...
How do the young Italian Muslim women look at the narrative of the Italian press on terrorism and multicultural integration? What are the mistakes made by the mass media about the Muslim world and wha...
The 2011 Tahrir Square protests in Egypt, in addition to ushering in hopes of democracy also opened a window of opportunity in the search for media independence after decades of dictatorship. But the...
At the end of 2013, Peter Grestle, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed of Al Jazeera were arrested in Egypt on charges of spreading false information and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, the politica...
May 3 is the United Nations World Press Freedom Day. It is, in the words of the UN, the opportunity to: > celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom > assess the state of press free...