Following the publication of American Mother in Italy, Diane Foley speaks with journalist and author Laura Silvia Battaglia about her experience co-writing the book with author Colum McCann, the birth...
Laura Silvia Battaglia al-Jalal
Radio3 RaiDa un lato, c'è chi pensa che l'attacco del 7 ottobre contro i civili israeliani da parte di Hamas, sia giustificato dalle sofferenze e ingiustizie reiterate negli anni nei confronti del popolo pales...
This session provides a short guide to the fundamentals of good safety practice, and introduces journalists and editors to the practical safety sessions available at this year's festival. These includ...
After eight years, the war in Yemen is at a turning point: the new deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran under China's diplomacy poses new hopes for the peace to come. But even if this will happen soo...
Description to come. Organised in association with
The conflict in Yemen is among the least reported and represented by the media around the world. The reasons are many, not least the extreme difficulty of access for international reporters and, for l...
Balas para Todas: the female gaze in reporting on the Middle East and North Africa
Balas Para Todas isn’t about a female “bang-bang” club. It is a conversation, a confession, and a conclusion – that the growing presence of women reporters in war zones and post-war zones acro...
Safety is no longer just the domain of journalists covering conflict or working in disaster zones. It’s now an issue for every journalist, whether working locally or internationally, out in the fiel...
The conflict in Yemen is among the least recounted by the media around the world. The reasons are many, not least the extreme difficulty of access for international reporters and, for locals, the extr...
Presentation of the book Cronache dal fronte: parole & immagini by Amedeo Ricucci. Moderated by Laura Silvia Battaglia. Generally the books of war correspondents are epic and exude courage. Thi...
Il corrispondente di guerra è una delle figure chiave del giornalismo, ma anche una delle più esposte per ciò che riguarda la sicurezza e la sostenibilità economica. Raccontare i conflitti sul cam...
Half of the world's leading exporters of arms are European Union member states. First up is Italy whose arms industry is growing, having long consolidated a place in the global top 10 of arms exporter...
Humanitarian corridors in the Mediterranean: operations, prospects, media representation
I corridoi umanitari, vie di accesso legali e sicure per i richiedenti asilo, sono una risposta concreta alle morti in mare o lungo le rotte clandestine. In poco meno di due anni, mille richiedenti a...
Reporting from inside Yemen is becoming exceptional due to the lack of visas and entry permission. In three years of war, female journalists with double nationalities and/or family ties have been ab...
New winds of censorship are blowing in not only from the Middle East and Africa, areas traditionally plagued by a troubled relationship between media and power, but also from the Americas and Europe...
The conflict in Yemen, which escalated in March 2015, is among the least reported of all the wars in the Middle East, despite the fact that it has killed more than 7,000 people and wounded 43,000, inc...
Drone strikes are among the most defining elements of contemporary warfare. Both when used in conventional war scenarios or for targeted killing programs, military armed drones are usually operated be...
After the end of the Obama presidency, the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay remains standing, despite a long sequence of institutional promises and demands from American civil society. Trump has dec...
Yemen is presented by the Western media as the hideout of al-Qaeda and the kingdom of child brides. But it is also a nation with a millenary culture and youthful creativity, both back in vogue durin...
Covering violence and trauma can be a psychologically hazardous enterprise. Journalists working on traumatic assignments often fear that, sooner or later, the work will leave its scars. But few have...
Squatters, evictions, lack of popular housing. In 2014 the housing emergency housing catapulted the San Siro district of Milan to the center of national and local news. In this area - which is not f...
How much does the legacy of 11 September affect the construction of the image of Islam by Western media? In an increasingly Islamophobic climate, it has become essential to acquire the necessary tools...