Lorenzo Di Pietro

Report RAI 3

Lorenzo Di Pietro works for the investigative journalism TV programme Report on RAI Tre. He has contributed to The Guardian, L'Espresso, Corriere della Sera, Repubblica and Il Fatto Quotidiano. He deals with public corruption, offshore corporate schemes, criminal infiltration into the legal economy, human rights violations and civil rights. He specializes in methods and techniques of open source investigation and data mining, including the ICIJ Paradise Papers databases. With OCCRP he received the Tom Renner award for the Khadija Project, a transnational investigation that revealed the corruption and the offshore interests of the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. His photo report Miraggio Europa, on the route of migrants through the Sahara, received the high patronage of the UNHCR. With IRPI, of which he is a member, he created the collaborative platform Mafia Files, supported by the Google DNI.

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