Nello Scavo

Avvenire (via video)

Since 2001, Nello Scavo has been a journalist for Avvenire. Over the years, he has investigated organized crime and global terrorism, covering stories from many hotspots such as the former Yugoslavia, Cambodia, Southeast Asia, the countries of the former USSR, Latin America, the Horn of Africa, the Maghreb, and Ukraine. In September 2017, he infiltrated a clandestine prison run by Libyan smugglers, revealing the conditions of trapped migrants. His investigations on Pope Francis and some reports on migrants have been noted by the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Le Monde, BBC, CNN, Clarin, La Nacion, El Pais, and others. He has won numerous awards, including the CIDU Human Rights Award from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020), Il Premiolino (2020), the Colomba d'oro Peace Award (2020), the Roberto Morrione Witness Award (2020), the International Marco Luchetta Award (2020), the Mario Francese Award (2020), and the Giuseppe Fava Award (2020).

His books have been translated into 16 languages. Among others, he has written "La Lista di Bergoglio" (Emi, 2013), "Luigi Ciotti, un pretre contre la mafia" (Bayard, France), "I nemici di Francesco" (Piemme, 2015), "Perseguitati" (Piemme, 2017), "Fake Pope. Le false notizie su papa Francesco" (San Paolo Edizioni, 2018), "A casa loro" (People, 2019, co-written with Giulio Cavalli), "Pescatori di uomini" (Garzanti, 2020, co-written with Mattia Ferrari), "Schiavi delle milizie" (Quarup, 2020, co-written with Alpha Kaba), "Kiev" (Garzanti, 2022), and "Le mani sulla Guardia Costiera" (Chiarelettere, 2023).

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