Dal regime dei talebani a quello degli Ayatollah. Dalle proteste fuori dall’Università di Kabul, da cui le donne sono state espulse, alle rivolte scoppiate a Theran dopo l’uccisione di Mahsa Amin...
Barbara Schiavulli
editor Radio BulletsAfghanistan, Africa, Latin America: stories of women fighting for their rights, as told by three women journalists.
Il corrispondente di guerra è una delle figure chiave del giornalismo, ma anche una delle più esposte per ciò che riguarda la sicurezza e la sostenibilità economica. Raccontare i conflitti sul cam...
Over a decade of Afghan history seen through the eyes of one of the most important Italian war correspondents, Barbara Schiavulli. In Bulletproof diaries reportage meets the graphic novel: a story th...
Podcasting reached mainstream popularity in 2014, with the success of the investigative show Serial. But podcasters have been around for ten years, producing audio shows on any imaginable topic (inc...
From news to commentaries, from weather forecast to traffic, from interviews to talk shows, from press reviews to infotainment. The radio has always been synonymous with news and services to citiz...
What we know about Italian soldiers is what newspapers and television tell us. We hear about them when they die, we wonder about what they do and how they are useful, but we never know what they feel....
Working as a journalist without the protection and support of a newspaper is not necessarily easy. A freelance is very often an entrepreneur with the goal of achieving his/her life's passion: journali...