Francesca Mannocchi

journalist and author

Francesca Mannocchi is a freelance journalist specializing in migration and conflict. She collaborates with numerous Italian and international publications, including L’Espresso, Stern, Al Jazeera English, The Guardian, and The Observer.She has reported from some of the world's most critical regions, including Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Turkey.

Throughout her career, she has received several prestigious awards, including the Premiolino for journalism (2016) and the Premio Giustolisi for the investigative report Missione impossibile (LA7) on migrant trafficking and Libyan prisons. The documentary Isis, Tomorrow. The Lost Souls of Mosul, created with photographer Alessio Romenzi, was presented at the 75th edition of the Venice International Film Festival (2018).

She has published several books, including Porti ciascuno la sua colpa (Laterza, 2019), Io Khaled vendo uomini e sono innocente (Einaudi, 2019 – winner of the Premio Estense), Bianco è il colore del danno (Einaudi, 2021 – winner of the Premio Wondy di Letteratura Resiliente), Lo sguardo oltre il confine. Dall’Ucraina all’Afghanistan, i conflitti di oggi raccontati ai ragazzi (De Agostini, 2022), and Sulla mia terra. Storie di israeliani e palestinesi (2024), which collects testimonies from individuals involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In 2024, she presented the documentary Lirica Ucraina at the Rome Film Festival, a work based on the accounts of survivors of the Ukrainian conflict. The film has been selected for the Premio David Cecilia Mangini 2025 in the documentary category.

Over the course of her career, she has received numerous awards, including the Premio Ischia Internazionale di Giornalismo (2021), the Premio Flaiano per il Giornalismo (2022), and the Premio Archivio Disarmo "Colombe d’Oro per la Pace" (2021).

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#IJF23 / 22 april 2023

Looking beyond

Lo sguardo oltre il confine... Quello che una delle più brave giornaliste italiane ci racconta da anni con rigore ed empatia. Uno sguardo sui conflitti dei nostri tempi che nasce da una preparazio...