Francesca Mannocchi, una delle più importanti corrispondenti di guerra in Europa, continua il percorso che l’ha portata a raccontare diverse zone di conflitto, dalla Libia al Libano, all’Iraq e, ...
Francesca Mannocchi
journalist and authorGaza, e non solo. C’è la Cisgiordania e il Libano nella lista dei fronti di guerra che coinvolgono Israele e la Palestina, dal Mediterraneo al Giordano. Sono teatri di violenza quasi sempre proibi...
Lo sguardo oltre il confine... Quello che una delle più brave giornaliste italiane ci racconta da anni con rigore ed empatia. Uno sguardo sui conflitti dei nostri tempi che nasce da una preparazio...
One year after the beginning of the Russian invasion, the European Union is still standing with Ukraine. However, this new situation of war at its borders has urged the EU to reopen the debate about a...
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Camina, guerrero, camina Por el sendero del dolor Y la alegría (y la alegría) Camina, guerrero, camina Por el sendero del dolor Y la alegria Camina Cammina mio ...
A long line of political leaders in our contemporary world share a common hatred of freedom of expression, of the free press and indeed of journalism itself. The term "fake news" discredits and challe...
Libyan chaos, migrants, ONGs, the Italian government: the decisive role of investigative journalism
Description to come.
Never in history have so many people been displaced by political and military conflicts at home–more than 65 million globally. For over a decade, human rights journalist Agus Morales has journeyed ...
European priorities, Libyan realities: the central Mediterranean refugee crisis
The session will take as its starting point the October 2017 long-read article entitled European priorities, Libyan realities by Daniel Howden. While in Italy, as in Europe, we witness a progressive...
From conflicts in the Middle East to the drama of the smuggling of migrants and the war in Syria, it is especially in times of crisis scenarios that the work of foreign correspondents is so crucial. P...
Reporters, photographers, fixers, producers: working as a freelance journalist in war zones involves risks, challenges and opportunities for those who want to report on events first-hand. What are t...