Cecilia Strada

human rights activist

Cecilia Strada, a graduate in Sociology from the University of Milan-Bicocca, has always been involved in promoting a culture of peace and respect for human rights. She is currently the communications director of ResQ-People Saving People. For eight years she was president of Emergency, an Italian non-governmental organization that provides free assistance to the victims of war, landmines and poverty. In 2018 she won the Culture of Peace Prize. She is the author of La guerra tra noi (2017).

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Events in past editions
#IJF18 / 11 april 2018

The war between us

Presentazione del libro La guerra tra noi di Cecilia Strada (Rizzoli, 2017). Modera Tiziana Prezzo. “Sul molo c’è un uomo in pantaloni scuri, panciotto e cravattino. Ci corre incontro sorridendo...
