In an increasingly hostile media landscape, it is essential for journalists to have the tools, training, and support needed to stay safe. This session will explore innovative strategies and solutions ...
Paul Radu
co-founder OCCRPCorruption of history remains as much a weapon in the authoritarian playbook as it was before our current age of information abundance. There are no guarantees that once content is on the internet it ...
Floodlight: Fiction in the Public Interest is an exciting new initiative that connects investigative journalism and the film and television industry to produce fiction that informs, illuminates, and e...
Getting ahead of the bad guys: what journalists need to know to keep up with organized crime’s 2023 playbook
Paul and Pavla are back again this year, highlighting what’s new and noteworthy in investigating organized crime in 2023. Joining them is Stevan Dojcinovic. High level criminals have designed future...
The structure of organized crime has improved significantly over the last few decades and journalists have only started to understand the reach of transnational criminals in the last five years. In th...
Organized crime groups and corrupt politicians see the world as their playground. They use national and international financial infrastructure to bypass regulation in order to launder vast amounts of ...
Transnational investigative journalism: 3 examples Three investigations, the IRPI-Correctiv-El Confidencial-Tages Anzeiger joint work The Wolves of Europe which uncovered a fraud of fake bonds perp...
How can crime be investigated cross-border by investigative reporters? OCCRP and IRPI provide some practical examples. Organised in association with IRPI - Investigative Reporting Project Italy
Looking at the care and the management of hospitals through data can really make a difference, even in terms of practical choices by citizens and policymakers. An example of this is the #doveticuri re...
How do corrupt politicians and criminals make and hide their money and how to expose them? This workshop will assist investigative reporters in gathering, processing and visualizing information to shi...
The rapidly changing field of data journalism is one of the best practices for making complex information understandable for the general public and therefore is critical to the future of news. Come ...
Investigative journalism case studies - a set of four events (one per day from Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 April) A presentation of techniques used by organized crime and corrupt politicians to laun...
In this session, we bring you the minds behind some of the most successful collaborative investigation platforms and projects in Europe and Asia - from the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting...