Join us for a dynamic session on the challenges and opportunities emerging as USAID funding for journalism ends. Led by Lars Boering, Director of the European Journalism Centre (EJC), which has exten...
Sharon Moshavi
president International Center for JournalistsIn a world where freedom of expression is more and more constrained by autocratic regimes, entrepreneurs are seeking a new solution to bring trusted news to repressed citizens: hybrid media. Hybrid me...
Surviving the extinction: from post-truth and infodemic to public interest media
At the December 2021 Democracy Summit, President Joe Biden committed critical seed money to a new initiative to save independent media from “extinction”. President Emmanuel Macron also pledged to ...
As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold globally in early 2020, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) & the Tow Center for Digital Journalism launched a study into the transformational impact...
Let’s go beyond the usual media profile and hear what is going on in media in Kenya and Nigeria, the two reference countries for East and West Africa. Two of the largest economies of the continent a...
Is the global village becoming a Potemkin village? Back in the optimistic 90s, many were certain that the Internet would spell the end of ‘Potemkin villages’ and bring a new era of media pluralism...
For the last few years the rise of data journalism has generated some hope that newsrooms could make use of new technologies for better reporting. But what about enabling newsrooms to create new servi...