In the name of freedom of speech, Big Tech—especially META and other social media platforms—appears increasingly inclined to amplify polarisation, often at the expense of marginalised voices. Whil...
Milica Pesic
executive director Media Diversity InstituteSurviving the extinction: from post-truth and infodemic to public interest media
At the December 2021 Democracy Summit, President Joe Biden committed critical seed money to a new initiative to save independent media from “extinction”. President Emmanuel Macron also pledged to ...
Is the global village becoming a Potemkin village? Back in the optimistic 90s, many were certain that the Internet would spell the end of ‘Potemkin villages’ and bring a new era of media pluralism...
Reporting LGBTQI+ communities: a time of increased opportunities - and threats
In-depth, objective and sensitive reporting of the LGBTQI+ communities is at record highs in mainstream media in many liberal democracies. Media are discovering new audiences with diverse content, and...
Populism, the alt-right, extremisms of all sorts seem unstoppable. Europe, the cradle of democracy but of fascism too, just saw the first far-right government in which the heirs of Nazism hold a stron...
Freedom of expression in China continues to be dogged by pervasive government censorship which seeks to repress outspoken voices and silence collective action. The authorities remain keen to have cont...