Corruption of history remains as much a weapon in the authoritarian playbook as it was before our current age of information abundance. There are no guarantees that once content is on the internet it ...
Claudia Baez
co-founder and director Cuestión PúblicaFor journalism, financial independence is editorial independence. Whether it’s rich proprietors or philanthropists or any special interest group, newsrooms that are overly reliant on one funding sou...
This panel discussion will review practical lessons from AIJC – an accelerator programme in which 12 newsrooms from around the world developed pragmatic generative AI applications between July and N...
Innovations in data journalism: liberating data, wrangling big data, visual storytelling and more
Data journalism is never static. Innovative newsrooms are always pushing boundaries, sometimes in simply finding and using existing datasets, sometimes expanding collaborations across borders, and som...
Doing journalism with data has become commonplace in almost all major newsrooms in the EU and in the US. Most large news operations employ teams that bring together programming, statistics and journal...