Corruption of history remains as much a weapon in the authoritarian playbook as it was before our current age of information abundance. There are no guarantees that once content is on the internet it ...
Annie Jieping Zhang is founder and CEO of Matters Lab, a decentralized Web3 social media platform. She also co-founded and was the editor-in-chief of Initium Media, an online Chinese-language publication established in Hong Kong in 2015. She previously worked as an editor at City Magazine; chief writer and executive editor-in-chief for iSun Affairs, an iPad-based magazine offering political and social news; and as a reporter for Asia Week. The Society of Publishers in Asia named Zhang Journalist of the Year in 2010 and presented her with other a number of awards for her reporting and commentary. She is now working on decentralized social network solution, from different paths such as online tools, offline space, community incubation, etc.
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