Luca Mercalli is the president of the Italian Meteorological Society. A climatologist and scientific journalist, he is the editor of the Nimbus magazine and is involved in research on the glaciers of the Alps and climate risk. He teaches in schools and universities in Italy (University of Turin-SSST), Switzerland, and France.
He has served as a consultant to the European Union and as a scientific advisor to ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research).
As an editorialist for Il Fatto Quotidiano, he has previously worked for La Repubblica and La Stampa, with a substantial number of published articles and conferences to his credit. He has collaborated with RAI on programs such as Che tempo che fa, Scala Mercalli, TGMontagne, Rainews24, and Macondo on Rai3.
He also collaborates with the Swiss Italian Radio Television.
Luca Mercalli won the Selezione Bancarella Prize in 2012 for the book "Prepariamoci." He is the coordinator of the scientific committee of Europa Verde.
Among his books are "Che tempo che farà" (Rizzoli, 2009), "Viaggi nel tempo che fa" (Einaudi, 2010), "Prepariamoci" (Chiarelettere, 2012), "Clima bene comune" (Bruno Mondadori, 2013), co-written with Alessandra Goria, "Non c'è più tempo" (Einaudi, 2018; 2020), "Il clima che cambia" (Rizzoli, 2019), "Il clima che cambia" (BUR, 2019), "Salire in montagna" (Einaudi, 2020), the children's book "Uffa che caldo" (ElectaKids, 2018), and the comic book "Il tuo clima" (TataiLab, 2022).
He lives according to the principles of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, in a solar-powered house where he cultivates his own garden.
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