In this session, foundations from various philanthropic sectors—including media, banks, financial institutions and — explore the evolving role of their funding strategies, debating whether the nex...
Paul Nemitz
College of EuropeThe Council for European Public Space presents new perspectives for a European public sphere: A European Perspective (EBU) and
The new Council for European Public Space aims to contribute intellectual leadership towards a European Public Space constituted according to democratic rules. The think-and-do-tank will develop evi...
Media plurality gives a voice to minorities, free-thinkers, and marginalised groups. It expresses their concerns and defends their rights. The time has come to explore the need for a plurality of capi...
A global consensus has emerged that technology platforms should be regulated. The European Union and Governments from the United States to Australia have sought to reduce the power of these platforms ...
From “info pollution” to “infobesity”: reframing the information crisis to finally solve it
This presentation and panel will transform how you see the information crisis. You will be equipped with new ways of articulating both the problems and solutions, more clearly and with more impact. Fo...
Journalism in Europe and the US loses thousands of jobs every year. Local newspapers are dying and even journalists in public service media are more and more employed only on the basis of precarious c...
We are attention guardians, attention robbers and attention police: reframing our roles in the attention economy
”We have limited attention, chased by unlimited information.” A sequel to last year’s engaging Click Bubble presentation, this session will present a series of thought-provoking stats outlining ...
Europe is leading the world in regulating the internet. In this session we will debate the positive and the negative, the intended and the unintended consequences - the lessons - of that regulation so...
In conversation with Paul Nemitz. Moderated by Fabio Chiusi. The session will consider some of the issues arising from the October 2018 article Constitutional democracy and technology in the age of...