Angelica Bonfanti

University of Milan

Angelica Bonfanti is Associate Professor of International Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Milan, where she teaches the courses International Law and EU Law on Business and Human Rights. Her research activity is mainly focused on human rights protection, cyber-law, cultural diversity, public and private international law, business and human rights, and trade and investment law. She is the author of the book Imprese multinazionali, diritti umani e ambiente. Profili di diritto internazionale pubblico e privato (Giuffrè, 2012) and of numerous essays published in collected volumes and scientific journals, as well as the editor of the books Natural resources grabbing. An international law perspective (Brill, 2015) and Business and human rights in Europe. International law challenges (Routledge, 2019). Angelica has been the coordinator of the Master Program in Sustainable Development at the University of Milan (2015-2021) and has participated in research projects funded by the Italian government and the European Union. She a member of the Human Rights Commission of the Milan Bar Association and Co-Director of the Business and Human Rights Summer School.

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Events in past editions
#IJF18 / 11 april 2018

Cyber-security and human rights

La tecnologia ha una doppia faccia: da un lato, essa contribuisce ad amplificare e rendere più efficace l'esercizio della libertà di comunicazione ed espressione, a fare crescere i movimenti per i d...
