In-depth, objective and sensitive reporting of the LGBTQI+ communities is at record highs in mainstream media in many liberal democracies. Media are discovering new audiences with diverse content, and...
Anton Ambroziak is a Warsaw-based journalist and reporter who reports on the LGBTQ community, social policies, economics, the rise of the populist right as well as the Middle East. He currently works for, an independent fact-checking and investigative Polish media outlet, launched in 2016 with the support of Gazeta Wyborcza. In 2018 Anton was awarded by Amnesty International for his contribution to human rights and in 2019 he won the Campaign Against Homophobia award for journalists who are covering LGBTQ stories in Poland. Before coming to Anton was a board member of Trans-fuzja Foundation which is dedicated to supporting the transgender community in Poland.
In-depth, objective and sensitive reporting of the LGBTQI+ communities is at record highs in mainstream media in many liberal democracies. Media are discovering new audiences with diverse content, and...