Luciana Borsatti

journalist and author

Luciana Borsatti worked at the Ansa Agency from 1990 to 2018, where she also served as a correspondent from Cairo and Tehran.

Her latest book is "Iran. The Time of Women" (Castelvecchi 2023), focusing on the Donna Vita Libertà movement that emerged from the death of the young Mahsa Amini. Previously, she had published, with the same publisher, "Iran in the Time of Biden" (2021), following "Iran in the Time of Trump" (2018, second updated edition in 2020): two political and social portraits of the country during those years. In 2013, she wrote "Beyond Tahrir. Living in Egypt with the Revolution" (EIR 2013), a reportage from cities and rural areas on the eve of the demonstrations that led to the fall of President Morsi and the establishment of General Al-Sisi.

Graduated in Modern and Contemporary History in Venice, she also studied at Birkbeck College, University of London, and the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies in Rome.

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