Journalists, educators, communicators, bloggers, popularizers, scientists and climatologists - organized by Federazione Italiana Media Ambientali (FIMA)

Introduction by Mario Salomone, FIMA president


Luca Mercalli, meteorologist and climatologist - Science journalism in the Italian media

Stefano Cesarini, - Communicating beyond  the apocalypse

Alex Sorokin, physicist - The energy issue in the international media

Moderated by Simonetta Lombardo, CEO Silverback

Round table: Towards an alliance of journalists, educational agencies and social media strategists

Veronica Caciagli, Italian climate network president

Luca Conti, social media strategist

Roberto Giovannini, editor Tuttogreen (La Stampa)

Roberto Cavallo, performer and populizer

Moderated by

Marco Gisotti, scientific and environmental journalist