Steve Katz

publisher Mother Jones

Steve Katz is publisher of Mother Jones, a leader in independent, hard-hitting, award-winning investigative reporting since 1975. Since 2009, when Steve and CEO Madeleine Buckingham took on leadership roles at Mother Jones, traffic to has more than doubled to 2 million-plus visitors each month, while its print magazine has maintained a steady paid circulation of 200,000 readers. As a leader in non-profit journalism in the United States, Mother Jones is supported by a community of more than 31,000 individual donors, as well as by our subscribers and advertisers. Steve founded and is chair of the executive committee of The Media Consortium, a network of more than 50 progressive, independent media organizations based in North America. Steve has more than thirty years' experience working in the fields of journalism, environmental advocacy, the arts, social justice, and neighborhood-based housing development, and received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1987.

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