Sigfrido Ranucci

Report RAI 3 (via Skype)

Sigfrido Ranucci has presented the investigative journalism programme Report on RAI 3 since 2017. A graduate in Literature at the Sapienza University of Rome, he began working for RAI in 1997, where he was a correspondent for RaiNews 24. He has made important investigative reports, including those on waste traffic and the use of phosphorus weapons in the American bombing of Fallujah in 2003. With his journalism he has won numerous prizes, including the Penne Pulite Prize (2003), two Ilaria Alpi Awards (2005 and 2006), the Golden Dove Prize for Peace and the Prize Mario Francese Prize in 2006, and the Giuseppe Fava Award and the Premiolino (2010). He is co-author with Nicola Biondo of Il patto. La trattativa tra Stato e mafia nel racconto inedito di un infiltrato (Chiarelettere, 2014).

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