In today’s challenging media landscape, creating synergy between editorial and business development goals is imperative for growth and sustainability. Join us for an enlightening panel that will res...
Lisa Gibbs
VP philanthropic development The Associated PressAI is now part of news gathering, production and delivery around the world, from small specialist newsrooms to global organisations. But how is changing the journalism created and what impact will it ...
Leadership will be critical in the success of news organisations adapting new AI technologies. Automation, personalisation and data-driven innovation demands a strategic approach forged by editors and...
As the news industry navigates toward sustainable revenue models, philanthropic support from foundations continues to develop as a means to support editorial gaps and priorities. In the past few years...
A conversation on what new skills will be needed in the newsroom in order to benefit from the potential of AI technologies. The audience will leave with a better understanding of how AI might change r...
Artificial intelligence in journalism is no longer an imagined future -- newsrooms around the globe (mostly large) are using automation, algorithms and machine learning to break news, improve producti...
Automation and artificial intelligence bring new questions for journalism, but The Associated Press' own experience with using templates to automatically generate text stories from data has made posit...