When the so-called fourth wave of feminism was just emerging, back in 2013, Portuguese data journalist and designer Mariana Santos decided to create Chicas Poderosas, a network of women journalists i...
Belén Arce Terceros is the Director of Communications and Editorial Projects at Chicas Poderosas. As part of Chicas Poderosas, she has co-led a regional collaborative investigation on women’s access to abortion in Latin America involving 28 journalists. The investigation, published in 2018, was reproduced by over 15 media outlets internationally. In 2019, Belén coordinated mediathons carried out in Argentina, Colombia, and México and led a second international collaborative investigation, into the migration experiences of women and non-binary people in Latin America entitled 10 HistoriAs MigrAntes.
Belén has over 10 years of international experience working in journalism, communication and advocacy. Specialized on topics related to migration, gender and humanitarian affairs, Belén has worked for the UN and Doctors Without Borders (MSF). She has also been a reporter and editor at the Buenos Aires Herald and BRIGHT Magazine. She holds an MA in International Affairs from The New School in New York City, with a Fulbright scholarship.