Amedeo Balbi is associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Physics Department of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. The author of over 100 scientific papers, his research has touched a broad set of topics, including the physics of the early universe, the problem of dark matter and energy, and the search for life in the cosmos. His studies contributed to the first precise measurements of the cosmological parameters and to the determination of the geometry of the universe. He is a member of the International Astronomical Union, of the Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi), and of the IAA SETI Permanent Committee. He is also very active as a science popularizer. A frequent guest of radioand TV programs, he writes a monthly column in the Italian edition of Scientific American, as well as articles and commentaries for a number of newspapers and magazines (among others, la Repubblica, la Stampa, il Post). He has given public lectures for several prestigious organizations and institutions, including the Science Festival of Genoa, the Festival of Science in Rome, the Wired Next Fest, the Book Fair of Turin, and TEDxRoma. He is the author of several best-selling books, including «Cercatori di meraviglia» (Rizzoli, 2014), winner of the Italian National Prize for Popular Science Writing 2015, «L’ultimo orizzonte» (UTET, 2019), winner of the Asimov Prize 2021, «Inseguendo un raggio di luce» (Rizzoli, 2021), and «Su un altro pianeta» (Rizzoli, 2022), winner of the Galileo Literary Prize for Science Popularization 2023. His latest book is «Il cosmo in brevi lezioni» (BUR/Rizzoli 2024).
Amedeo Balbi
(astro)physicist UniTorVergataEvents IJF 2025