Zouhir Louassini works for RAI News. He is a visiting professor in a number of Italian and international universities, writes occasional articles for the Arabic dailies al-Hayat, Lakome and al-Alam, and contributes to Radio Medi1 in Morocco. His articles on the Arab world have been published in Spanish dailies and magazines such as El Pais and Ideas-Afkar.
He is the author of Qatl al-Arabi ("Uccidere l’arabo") e Fi Ahdhan Condoleezza wa bidun khassaer fi al Arwah ("En brazos de Condoleezza pero sin bajas"), both written in Arabic and translated into Spanish.
How does the Israeli-Palestinian issue change after the historic UN vote that admitted Palestine as a non-member observer state? The overwhelming prevalence of yes (138) would seem to indicate that ...