Tilman Wagner

publisher @quiztime

Tilman Wagner is an innovation manager, freelance trainer and digital detective. He explores and develops new methods and tools for digital journalism with a focus on verification, data-analysis and storytelling/sharing. He freelances as an innovation manager at the Research & Cooperation Team of Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany's international broadcaster, and as a social media trainer for DW Academy. Outside DW, he's part of the Social Media Watchblog Crew and publisher of the #WednesdayQuiz for @quiztime, little quizzes to train and strengthen your verification and geolocation skills on your own or in a team.

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Events in past editions
#IJF19 / 6 april 2019


We present an interactive session on verification skills, based on our daily Twitter quizzes on Quiztime. Creating new examples, we let participants in the audience solve the quizzes together and live...
