Is precariousness at work an irreversible reality, a sign of our times, or is it a pervasive ideology that makes us see such a condition as normal? Do automation, the web and the sharing economy outli...
Riccardo Staglianò
La RepubblicaOn the rise and fall of a financial charlatan who for two years ran rings around journalists and manipulated the market.
The evolution of the first Italian generation of webdocs between surveys and new cross-media languages. A foray into the world of interactive web documentaries starting from the story of InsideCarce...
Watchdoggers are digitized videomakers armed with semi-professional cameras. They inform us about what happens next door, denounce what does not work, create a direct line between citizens and local...
Civic activism and information: the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and beyond
Civic activism and information: the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and beyond Is social struggle, whether aimed at toppling an oppressive regime or radically changing the political agenda within a W...