Paolo Mancini is Professor of the Sociology of Communications at the University of Perugia. His research interests focus on the relationship between mass communication systems and the political system, and on the study of electoral campaigns where he has considerable comparative research experience.
His principal publications include Il post partito. La fine delle grandi narrazioni (2015), Between Commodification and Lifestyle Politics. Does Silvio Berlusconi Provide a New Model of Politics for the Twenty-First Century? (2011), Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World (with Daniel Hallin, 2011), Elogio della lottizzazione (2009), Sociologie della comunicazione (with Alberto Abruzzese, 2008) and Comparing Media Systems (with Daniel Hallin, 2004).
In 2005 Comparing Media Systems won the Goldsmith Award from Harvard and the Diamond Anniversary Book Award from the National Communication Association, and in 2006 it won the Outstanding Book Award from the NCA. His articles have appeared in Theory and Society, European Journal of Communication, Journal of Communication, International Journal of Press/Politics and in various other collections in Italian, Spanish and English.
Mancini has been several times Visiting Professor at the University of California, San Diego. He has also been a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, Harvard University, at the Erik Brost Institute, University of Dortmund and at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford.
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