With so many seemingly intractable problems facing societies worldwide, negative “if it bleeds, it leads” headlines are leaving news consumers anxious and demoralized. Meanwhile, misinformation an...
Marianna Bruschi
GEDI Gruppo EditorialeDescription to come.
Data journalism might seem still a fancy, expensive business that only big national media outlets like The New York Times or The Economist can afford. But very often data at local level is widely avai...
Maps can help us tell compelling stories, and there are a variety of tools available for creating beautiful maps for an online audience. We’ll provide an overview of a variety of mapping tools, an...
Geolocalizing news, creating data maps, telling the facts on the move, with free tools for the web that will be presented during the workshop. Three journalists who are involved in the field will disc...
Crises and participatory journalism Best practice to improve the quality, reach, and credibility of local news through citizen involvement. From major crises to minor daily issues. Examples from...