L’intervento analizzerà il tifo online, attraverso l’analisi delle piattaforme social e sportive. Il dato come elemento centrale del tifo permetterà di affrontare la tematica relativa alla tipol...
Marcello Bergonzi Perrone
lawyerThe responsibilities of online platforms and editors for publishing illegal content
Description to come.
Quando la libertà di espressione online travalica il limite della molestia, della diffamazione e dello stalking? E come difendersi al meglio secondo la legge? Breve vademecum su quando si configura u...
Identity and gender orientation, intersex and transgender minors, for others or surrogate pregnancy, homosexual and stepchild adoption, same sex marriage, civil unions and same sex parents families. T...
Do satire and online parody have different limits than traditional newspapers? To what point do they exclude defamation? Does online defamation have a distinguished legal treatment, and does the "ri...
It is often said – frequently so after the Charlie Hebdo attack in January 2015 - that satire has no limits, that satire should not follow ordinary rules of journalistic criticism. Is this correct...
Background; the controversial Italian law on crimes of opinion on the web, and the responsibility of bloggers, publishers and host providers in the light of the recent verdict of the Italian Supreme C...
Defamation and the press: latest news on the personal responsibility of the journalist and the editor, the investigative reporter, the cartoonist and political satire, from the "Sallusti case" to bl...