Luigi Farrauto

wayfinding strategist

Luigi Farrauto studied Graphic Design at the Politecnico of Milan, graduating in 2005 with a masters thesis on the Sign System in the Medina of Damascus, Syria. In 2006 he moved to Amsterdam to join Bureau Mijksenaar, where he embraced the mission of assisting people in finding their way. He has contributed to numerous wayfinding projects, such as those in the airports of Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam and Doha. In 2009 Luigi started a PhD in Design at the Politecnico of Milan Density Design Lab, studying the image of the city of Jerusalem through maps. In 2010 he moved to Boston to develop part of his PhD Research at MIT Senseable City Lab, with Carlo Ratti. He works as a wayfinding strategist and information designer, specialized in drawing maps, pictograms and designing signage systems. In March 2012 he will finish his PhD. His personal map of the world, with photographs, is on his website He is the author of Senza passare per Baghdad (2011).

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