Il 2018 è stato un anno epocale per il calcio italiano per via dell’arrivo di Cristiano Ronaldo, celebrato dalla stampa e dagli addetti ai lavori come il segno di rinascita del nostro movimento. Ma...
Luca Marelli is a former Italian Serie A referee, blogger and frequent guest of Tutti Convocati on Radio24. The category of referees is one of those traditionally at the center of controversy, but at the same time the information on the referee's side is anything but impeccable and complete. Marelli, in his blog and on social media, is often the author of insights capable of explaining the arbitral decisions, analyzing them, making the reader understand the mechanisms of a decision and of dissecting each single dubious episode. In addition, he has maintained throughout the summer 2018 a constant study on the situation of the VAR and possible problems as a result of the change of regulations, problems that are regularly occurring in Serie A.