Quanta fiducia hanno gli italiani nell'informazione? Quanta ne hanno in se stessi nella capacità di cercarla e selezionarla? E quali sono i media che vengono considerati più autentici? A questi que...
Lella Mazzoli
University of UrbinoEffective institutional health communication, the use of social media and apps, the digital culture within the public administration. A discussion with experts in the field. Social media and appl...
The digital ecosystem linked to the distribution of video content is evolving rapidly, thanks to an increasingly pervasive use of social networks and a widespread dissemination of high-performance m...
What kind of culture is in the news? Scenarios change, places change, themes change. There is a need to think about different forms of cultural news which are specific for the Internet and the mains...
Do young people feel represented by the media? Do they recognize themselves when the media talk about them? Do journalists have the tools to understand and interpret the new generation? Organizzato i...