Giannina Segnini headed a team of journalists and computer engineers at La Nacion, Costa Rica’s newspaper of reference, until early February 2014. She is fully dedicated to uncovering investigative stories by gathering, analyzing and visualizing public databases.
From 1994 to February 2014 she headed the highly recognized Investigative Unit, with its impact and compelling stories. More than fifty criminal cases against politicians, businessmen and public officials originated by its revelations were pursued by law-enforcement in Costa Rica, the United Kingdom, France, Finland and the United States.
The publications of La Nacion’s investigative team triggered judiciary investigations against two former presidents of Costa Rica, who were both found guilty of corruption charges.
Since 2000, she has trained hundreds of journalists on investigative journalism, Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR) and data journalism in Latin America, the United States, Europe and Asia.
As a trainer, speaker and consultant Segnini has served multiple academic and international organizations including: International Academy of Journalism (Intajour) in Germany, Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism in New York, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Organization of American States (OAS), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Freedom House, Inter American Press Association (IAPA) and Grupo de Diarios de América (GDA).
She has trained journalists in leading media outlets in various countries such as News International in the United Kingdom (The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun), O Globo and Folha de São Paulo in Brazil, El País in Spain, El Tiempo in Colombia, El Nacional and Cadena Capriles in Venezuela, El Mercurio in Chile, El Periódico and Siglo XXI in Guatemala among others.
During her career Segnini has won the Jorge Vargas Gene National Journalism Award three times, the National Award on Journalism Pio Viquez, as well as several international honors: the Excellence Award in Journalism Gabriel García Márquez, the Ortega y Gasset Prize, awarded by the Spanish daily El País; the award to the Best Journalistic Investigation of a Corruption Case by Transparency International for Latin America and the Caribbean (TILAC), and a special mention in the Maria Moors Cabot awards by the Columbia University in the City of New York.
She served as an investigative journalism professor at the public university in Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica) and currently lectures at the International Academy of Journalism in Hamburg, Germany.
She is a member of the grand jury for the first Global Award on Data Journalism, launched by Global Editors Network and Google. She also partakes actively with the International Consortium of Investigative Reporters (ICIJ) and the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE).
She attended Harvard University as a Nieman Fellow (2001-2002) and studied Mass Communication Sciences at the University of Costa Rica (1987-1994), where she obtained a Bachelor's degree.
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