In this age of big data, we rely on data journalists to dig through mountains of digital information in order to understand our governments, public bodies and society better. While everyone knows abou...
Gavin Sheridan is the CEO and co-founder of Vizlegal - a global API and research tool for law. He is the former Director of Innovation at Storyful, the world's first social media news agency. His background is investigative journalism, Freedom of Information (FOI) law, open source intelligence, data journalism and training journalists worldwide in these areas.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has become an important working tool for journalists in all countries where it was introduced, from the US to Britain. Three months after the first Italian FOIA b...
This debate is not about whether or not the problems of the business model for news will or will not have been solved by 2030. Fake news has generated many claims that journalism is more needed than i...