Fabio Masi was born in Rome on August 30, 1976, and grew up with a passion for the camera.
Today, he is one of the key figures behind Blob, the iconic Rai 3 program, where he serves as both writer and director. He has produced over 300 segments, including daily episodes and special features, and since 2004, he has been a correspondent at the Venice International Film Festival and the Sanremo Italian Song Festival.
He channels his talent as an unconventional storyteller into independent projects as well, such as two documentary films—later adapted into books—on the band Stadio (Generazione di fenomeni) and Vasco Rossi (Il decalogo di Vasco).
Amnesty International Italia nasce ufficialmente nel 1975 e oggi conta oltre 90.000 tra soci, attivisti, donatori e collaboratori impegnati nella difesa dei diritti umani. In occasione del suo 50° an...