Conduttore televisivo, giornalista, autore e regista, Diego Bianchi, si distingue nel panorama dell’informazione per lo stile unico e riconoscibile della sua narrazione giornalistica. Video, spiegon...
Diego Bianchi
Propaganda Live LA7
Video, spiegoni, tutorial, social, fumetti, musica. Tutto questo in una serata live assieme all'originale 'compagnia di giro' capitanata da Diego Bianchi. Un appuntamento cult del Festival. Con la ba...
Video, spiegoni, tutorial, social, fumetti, musica. Tutto questo in una serata live assieme all'originale 'compagnia di giro' capitanata da Diego Bianchi. Un appuntamento cult del Festival. con la ba...
Videos, social media, cartoons, live music, all in the entertaining and informative company of Diego Bianchi and his team. An annual cult event to close the festival.
LIVE - Propaganda Live #ijf19— journalism festival (@journalismfest) April 7, 2019 Videos, social media, cartoons, the music of the Propaganda Live Orchestra, all in...
Video, spiegoni, tutorial, social, fumetti, la musica della Propaganda Live Orchestra. Tutto questo in una serata live assieme all'originale 'compagnia di giro' capitanata da Diego Bianchi. Un appunta...
Diego Bianchi and his Gazebo (RAI 3) team of journalists, cartoonists, comics and musicians with their alternative and innovative presentation of the news. A unique show in the Italian mediaspace. ...
How to report on humanitarian crises. Techniques and best practice. Organised in association with Medici Senza Frontiere.
Diego Bianchi and his Gazebo (RAI 3) team of journalists, cartoonists, comics and musicians present the news in a (very) alternative way. A unique show in the Italian mediaspace.
Description to come.
Diego Bianchi and friends on Italian current affairs and politics. With their daily TV show Gazebo on RAI 3. To be broadcast live.
How TV has changed: social networks and new formats of politics on TV Is social TV (where the viewers interact via Twitter, instant polls, etc) the end of politics on TV as we know it or the clarion ...