Osservare la corruzione tramite i Big Data per conoscerla e combatterla. La nuova piattaforma di Riparte il futuro permette di monitorare notizie e attività social sul world wide web costruendo le ba...
Independent writer and consultant, Bill Emmott was editor of The Economist from 1993 to 2006, leading the newspaper to more than double its circulation. A visiting fellow at All Souls College, Oxford University, he is also chairman of The Wake Up Foundation, a non-profit association founded with the Italian film director Annalisa Piras, whose purpose is to document and analyze the decline of Western societies. The collaboration has resulted in the documentary Girlfriend in a Coma (2013) and The Great European Disaster Movie on the crisis of the European Union (2015). Author of 13 books, he writes regularly for La Stampa, The Financial Times and other international newspapers. His latest book is The Fate of the West (2017). He is a member of the advisory board of Riparte il Futuro.
To coincide with the tenth anniversary of the 2008 financial crash, this panel will consider the impact of that crash on the media worldwide, and ask what lessons have been learnt, by business reporte...
Following the success of the acclaimed Girlfriend In a Coma, director Annalisa Piras and former editor of The Economist Bill Emmott bring us a new, hard-hitting creative current-affairs documentar...
On the difficulties of navigating the Church and State separation of editorial and commercial, as shown by recent allegations about The Daily Telegraph and HSBC. In short, do media organisations large...
From the century of the ‘masses’ to the century of the ‘individual’ - revolutions in both cases, carnage and chaos in both cases too? In his latest book Il web ci rende liberi? (Einaudi, 201...
An entertaining and irreverent review of the day’s newspapers with Bill Emmott e Beppe Severgnini.
If Italy is to offer a better tomorrow, Italians must wake up to the harsh realities of today and yesterday. That’s the message of the controversial documentary by the Anglo-Italian team of film-m...