Antoine Deltour

whistleblower LuxLeaks

Antoine Deltour is the main whistleblower in the LuxLeaks case. He worked as an auditor for PwC Luxembourg from 2008 to 2010. When he resigned, he copied hundreds of tax rulings that have led, amongst other documents, to the so-called LuxLeaks scandal. The disclosure of large-scale tax avoidance practices fostered several initiatives for better tax justice. But Antoine Deltour faced criminal charges in Luxembourg, together with the journalist Edouard Perrin and the other Luxleaks whistleblower Raphaël Halet. After a first conviction of a 12-months suspended sentence in 2016 followed by several appeals, he was finally recognized as a whistleblower and was acquitted on all the charges related to the Luxleaks. He is now working for the French statistics administration and is involved in two organizations protecting whistleblowers, La Maison des Lanceurs d'Alerte and The Signals Network.

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