Andrea Visconti

founder Sinba

Andrea Visconti, married with two children, is the founder of Sinba, an innovative startup (developed in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin and the H-Farm venture accelerator) with which Andrea won the business talent show Shark Tank on Italia 1. Sinba was also placed by Pioneer among the 100 best European startups. Andrea closed his startup in 2017, announcing the closure with a video fairy tale designed to explain to his children what had happened to the company of Dad.

This video went viral, ending up being featured by Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa, Wired, Agi, Millionaire, Vanity Fair and many other newspapers, on radio such as Radio DeeJay, Radio24, Radio Capital, Radio Grp, Rai Radio1 and on TV on Uno Mattina, Le Iene and Le Parole di Gramellini.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, he was brand manager at K-Way. An imperfect parent, he has been studying for some years the influence that technology has on children, to be able to educate their children preparing them for the world of work.

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