La generazione Z nelle piazze, prima e dopo la bocciatura del ddl Zan, ha illuminato un Paese nuovo che lotta non solo contro l’omotransfobia ma anche contro razzismo, abilismo, misoginia e tutte ...
Alessandro Zan, a politician and activist for LGBTQ + rights, was one of the founders of the Padova Pride Village and president of Arcigay for Veneto. Elected for the first time to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 2013 with Sinistra, Ecologia e Libertà, he later joined the Partito Democratico, with which he was re-elected in 2018. He was the rapporteur of the bill against homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and ability approved by the Italian Chamber of Deputies, then blocked in the Senate in October 2021. He is the author of Senza paura. La nostra battaglia contro l'odio (2021).
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