If you listen to the media, people working on trust and safety in social media platforms supposedly have it easy: set clear rules, remove the harm and stop the bad actors from speaking out. But deciding what is harmful, and who is dangerous, is not easy. And with a raft of online speech regulations coming in this year, it’s not getting any easier. Especially with difficulties measuring what works and companies reluctant to share information.

In this panel discussion, a number of people with experience working in policy and operations for major platforms discuss the challenges of balancing harms with speech, the common trade-offs at play and how they deal with the responsibilities that come with maintaining a healthy online ecosystem.

Questions for the panelists could include:

How do Trust and Safety professionals typically spot trends, assess risks and write policies?

How can organisations empower teams to keep users safe and clear barriers or obstacles that impede that process?

Can you describe the emotional toll of this work?

What can journalists do to report with greater nuance?

Organised in association with Kinzen.
