The session aims to address the issue of digital propaganda and the new tools now available, starting from the definition of propaganda itself to then move on to considerations on the advent of the digital age, which has allowed an ever greater number of citizens to be reached in real time and with unparalleled speed, multiplying the impact of traditional propaganda. Through online platforms it is possible to put pressure on the vulnerabilities of billions of people through the stimulation of their cognitive biases. Taking advantage of the preconceptions, you can guide them, without them noticing, in the desired direction by targeting the content, polarizing users' attention through a filter bubble in which people undergo detachment from reality, leading to dogmatic viewpoints. However, we have seen that when we try to extract them from the bubble and deconstruct their beliefs, they respond with a reaction of total denial that often results in violence. The focus of the panel will be to analyze the tools used to push propaganda, to comment on user reactions and to propose potential solutions.