Angelica Peralta Ramos is a multimedia development manager and data project manager at the Argentinian daily La Nacion.
She co-founded lanacion.com in 1995 and was product manager and digital media general manager of La Nacion until 2004. Since 2006 she has been in charge of La Nacion Multimedia, a research, development and training area that has helped La Nacion transform its newsroom into a multiplatform, including the introduction of multimedia, social media and mobile journalism skills, technology and tools and new formats for digital content.
Since 2011 she also has led the project La Nacion Data that is developing data journalism and opening data while reporting in lanacion.com
Since 2012 lanacion.com has launched a Data Blog, an Open Data Catalog and a Data Section integrated in its home page and special news applications, one of which, the “Senate Expenses” project, won the 2013 Data Journalism Awards in the data-driven investigative journalism large site category.
lanacion.com is the multi-award-winning La Nacion news site; the winner of 4 Eppy awards (Best General Excellence non-US large site in 1999, Best Spanish Language Newspaper site in 2011, 2012 and 2013) and 2 ONA Online Journalism Awards for General Excellence in Digital Journalism non-English large site (finalist in 2009, winner in 2010 and 2011, and finalist again in 2013).
In 2012 lanacion.com received an honorable mention in the 2012 Google - Global Editors Network Data Journalism Awards and partnered with the International Center for Journalists to receive a fellow focused on data journalism. In 2013 and 2014 it is partnering with the Knight-Mozilla Open News program to host a fellow in Buenos Aires to develop open source solutions for data journalism challenges. In 2013 the La Nacion Data team translated into Spanish the first Data Journalism Handbook of the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation.
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